Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Beginning: The Four by Margaret Millmore Blog Tour Guest Post/Interview

They do exist and they always have. They live, love, and work amongst us and they are part of us. But they are different too, they are stronger and they live longer. They are the topic of many books, movies and myths, but their existence remains a secret, not everyone would accept them. And like us, they have those that are simply evil. Keeping these evil ones under control is the price they must pay to continue the lives they love. They must protect their human brethren from the Dark Ones, those that would rather kill than preserve.

Century after century the good battled the Dark Ones, always prevailing and preserving the lives of their beloved humans. In the 17th century, two powerful Dark leaders emerged, they organized their forces and a bitter war ensued. It was a fight to the death and the good thought they’d won. Four warriors led the battle, four warriors whose strength was beyond anything they knew, four warriors whose legacy had to be protected…

The good formed a consortium and with the help of a powerful sorcerer, a spell was cast; a spell that would follow the warriors’ lineage in case their power was needed again. The warriors are long dead, but their heirs are not, and now they must fight. The Dark Ones have re-emerged, they are more powerful, more resourceful and they want to control mankind and the world.

Book 1

Clare had an ideal life. She lived in the perfect little town, had a great family and four of the best friends in the world. She also had nightmares, nightmares that plagued her for almost a decade. But these are not ordinary nightmares; they are premonitions, warnings of what is to come and what she will become.

She discovers that she isn’t alone in these vile dreams; her friends are having them too. They are dreaming of their ancestors and their own future… The discovery of their destiny and the future they must embrace is shocking and terrifying.


What are the challenges you face as a writer in your genre?
by Margaret Millmore 

My current series is actually my first full length book attempt. After I’d finished it and felt it was ready for submission (it wasn’t really ready, I just hadn’t learned enough to know better) I soon realized that the vampire/werewolf genre was HUGE… I’m not sure how I didn’t already know this; Twilight had just hit the theatres (I’d never heard of the book before that) and it was all the rage; one of my favorite movie series is Underworld, and I knew a new movie was due out in 2009; and let’s not forget True Blood (a show I’ve never seen because I feel it’s a bit too erotic and I don’t care for that sort of thing). I’m sure there were a ton of other shows and books out there too, but I just didn’t know about them. Discovering I wasn’t alone (sometimes it’s nice to be the ‘one and only’) was a real let down. But that wasn’t all, my book was over 155,000 words… simply not done by a new writer… at least that was what I was told. So, I put it away and didn’t intend to go back to it.

However I wasn’t ready to give up. Doppelganger Experiment (originally entitled The Green Building on the Left) had been lingering in the back of my mind for some time, and it was ready to come out. The genre for DE is more suspense/thriller/ paranormal and that is what I enjoy reading and writing the most. My next full length novel will also follow along those lines… well that’s the plan today at least.

When I mentioned The Four (it was still one book at this time) to my publisher, I was surprised that she was interested. After all, she had a few authors who already wrote in this genre and of course the v/ww thing was and still is an almost over-populated genre. However she liked it, with the caveat that we break it up into a series. That was a true challenge, deciding where to stop and start the original story. My current challenge is finishing and polishing book 4 of this series. It had been so long time since I wrote the original, and although I’ve gone over it a dozen times lately, I’m still finding it difficult to move it to the next level, but I’ll get there.

I suppose the difficulty lies in trying to come up with an original slant to a very seasoned and popular tale. In The Four series, my vampires and werewolves don’t come about in the traditional manner, it’s genetic. They don’t eat people, well most of them don’t, they’re not all pretty, they don’t have ‘super powers’ and they just want to part of our world.

1. If you could travel in a Time Machine would you go back to the past or into the future? The past – probably around the 1920s

2. What is one book everyone should read? 451 Fahrenheit

3. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Mint Chip

4. Night owl, or early bird? Early bird

5. Pet Peeves? Tardiness and disorganization

6. Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book. It’s a new and exciting twist on the oh so popular vampire/werewolf genres

7. Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? At the moment I’m working on the completion of The Four series, however I have another book that I’ve written and hope to polish (it still needs some work) and see published some time in 2013

8. What inspired you to want to become a writer? I love books of all genres and I’ve always made up stories. More than anything it was the desire to entertain people through books and to get those pesky stories out of my head…

9. If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world…which would it be? Stephen King’s Dark Tower Series

10. What was your favorite book when you were a child/teen? The Chronicles of Narnia (actually it’s still one of my favorites as an adult and I’ve read the stories at least 7 times since childhood)

11. What’s one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors?
This is hard work, don’t kid yourself, when you think your book is perfect, give it another few rounds of editing.

12. What is your favorite Quote? My stories run up and bite me on the leg – I respond by writing down everything that goes on during the bite. When I finish, the idea lets go and runs off. Ray Bradbury

13. Who are your favorite authors of all time? Ray Bradbury and Stephen King

14. Can you see yourself in any of your characters? I do. I think we use ourselves and people around us as building blocks for our characters. Mine aren’t me in totality, but there are certain aspects of me in each of my characters.

15. How do you react to a bad review? When my first book, Doppelganger Experiment was published I initially received great reviews, but then I started receiving bad reviews, these primarily focused on bad editing. Well those reviewers were right, the editing was bad. So, after a day or two of crying about it, I did the only thing I could think of. I contacted my publisher and asked that we pull the book and get a more seasoned editor to work on it. You will always get bad reviews I think, people are just like that, it’s the old adage that misery loves company… so I just try to focus on the good reviews.

16. If you could have a signed copy of any novel what would it be and why? To be honest, that dream came true many years ago when I had the honor and pleasure of meeting Mr. Ray Bradbury, he signed two books for me and they are among my most valued treasures.

17. Which authors have influenced you most and how? Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, Dean Koontz and many, many others. I’m influenced by every author I read, whether it be someone super famous or an indie author, they all leave me with something great.

18. What do you do in your free time? I love to travel with my husband and with our friends. I also enjoy hanging out with my family, I have a great family!

19. Give us a glimpse into a typical day in your day starting when you wake up till you lie down again. I’m usually up and working by 5 a.m., generally I spend an hour or so answering emails, and then I write for 5-6 hours, and then back to emails and promotional things. By 5 p.m. when my husband gets home, I hang it up for the day and spend the evening with him until 9 or 10 when I simply collapse…

20. What’s your favorite season/weather? Spring time is my favorite. Although in San Francisco that doesn’t mean sunshine, we get a great deal of fog, but in other parts of California and the US (and other countries come to think of it) the weather can be the most beautiful and I enjoy the ‘not’ to warm days and cool evenings.

21. In your wildest dreams, which author would you love to co-author a book with? I think it would be Dean Koontz – I love his style and creativity and he doesn’t feel the need to add in gratuitous sexual scenes (which honestly think takes away from a story if the story isn’t that genre).

Buy Now @ Amazon 
Genre – Fantasy / Contemporary
Rating – PG13
Connect with Margaret Millmore on Twitter

This tour hosted by Orangeberry Tours:)

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